17 going on 18...

Blog entry #5 (15/08/2024)

At the time of writing this I am 17 years old. My birthday is the 31st of August 2006.
I am sure something a lot of people can relate to is the feeling of being a child and wishing to grow up, to be an adult means freedom. Being able to stay up late, eat as many sweets as you want and be able to buy all the toys to your hearts desire.

As I have gotten older my fear of getting older has also grown, the feeling of my childhood slipping before my eyes. On my 16th birthday I cried for I feared for what was to come next. I am trying to stay positive about how I feel about my 18th birthday, perhaps I am overthinking this a bit too much haha. I just wanted to write down how I feel about all this, I think it would be good for future me to read back on this and go, woah Movie you were being so silly. I suppose that’s the thing about growing up, you are always learning and changing, I suppose all I can really do at the current moment in time is hope that future me is happy.

I would like to think 16 year old me is proud of who I have become in the past year, I have grown so much over this period of time, and I hope I can be proud of what 18 year old me is able to accomplish, I am rooting for ya!

Well I suppose this is mostly a letter to my future self haha, but I suppose it could help with others who feel similarly to how I felt.