Godzilla (1954)

Blog entry #2 ( 19/01/2024 )

This website is called Movieless, my name is Movie. So you would proably think I like movies then? you would be correct! I am currently watching the Godzilla for the first in order and I thought it would be fun to write out my thoughts and feelings about them as I go along! Spoilers ahead :3

So.. let’s get into it?
Godzilla 1954

Godzilla is a Japanese movie released in 1954 and was produced and disturbed by Tohu Co. Directed Ishirō Honda who also helped write the film alongside Takeo Murata. The film was made in response of fear caused by nuclear radiation and the long-term effects it could have. The movie is anti-nuclear in its message.
The design of Godzilla takes heavy inspiration from our now outdated depictions of dinosaurs such as tyrannosaurus rex, iguanodon and stegosaurus. Originally it was planned for the monster, Godzilla, to be done with stop motion animation but they ended up having to use a new method called sutimation instead as stop motion proved to be too time consuming. In all honestly I believe this decision ending up helping the film in the long run as it gave Godzilla a more realistic and animal like movement to him that would be hard to accomplish with stop motion. Godzilla was the first time that suitmation was really used for a film, it gave the movie an incredibly unique feel and is something that became a staple of the series.


The suit itself was made with rubber, wood and metal it was incredibly heavy and had poor ventilation mixed with the hot studio light which made the actor, Haruo Nakajima, only able to perform for a few minutes at time before needing a break. Sound aboustley horrible! he did a great job in the end though!

The story goes as this,
A fishing boat goes missing and government looks into its sudden disappearance. People of the local island beleive an ancient being known as Godzilla is behind it. After a particularly bad storm on the island a paleontologist Yamane is sent to investigate the issue, he discovers large footprints that are radioactive. The town bell is rung as the monster has been spotted. Our main characters spot Godzilla and are able to take a photograph before Godzilla retreats into the ocean. Emiko ( the daughter of Yamane ) visits Serizawa and he shows her a demonstration of his new project she is horrified by it.
Godzilla comes to shore in Shinagawa, showing a glimpse of his power by disrupting a train before once again returning to the water. Increasing fears about godzilla cause the government to formulate a plan to defend Tokyo. Their main defense being a large electric fence however this plan proves fruitless as when Godzilla submerges once more he is able to easily destroy it. ( which creates a stunning scene and shows how powerful Godzilla really is ) Godzilla rampages and destroys Tokyo.leaving it a burning inferno. Leaving death and injured people behind, those who survived suffering from radiation poisoning.
Emiko tells Ogata ( her love interest ) about Serizawa’s project, the oxygen destroyer which she believes might be the thing that could kill Godzilla. Serizawa is reluctant to use it, fearing that if his project were to become public that it would be used like the nuclear weapons were. He agrees but on the condition that all his notes would be burned so another could not be made. They go out on a boat local where Godzilla is underwater. Ogata and Serizawa both go underwater to deploy the oxygen destroyer, Ogata remerges but Serizawa doesn’t. He cuts the rope and allows himself to killed by the oxygen destroyer alongside Godzilla, so that the possibility of another one being made would zero. Upon realising what Serizawa has done the boat crew mourn his death. The film ends with Yamane stating if nuclear testing were to continue another godzilla may appear in the future.

My personal thoughts and feelings on the film
I watched the original japanese film with english subtitles. I believe the craftsmanship that went into the film is absolutely amazing! The amount of talent and passion that went into creating the scenes with Godzilla is far more impressive to me than any CGI. I love practical effects a lot and this film is chuck full of them. The minunature setslook amazing and at the point of writing this I have seen up to King kong vs Godzilla ( 1962 ), and the miniatures in this film feel much more realistic than they do in that movie. This might be helped by the fact this movie is in black and white while the other is in colour. The use of music in the film is excellent as well, it adds tension and atmosphere to the city destroying scenes, and knows to remain quiet for added effect. When the city is destroyed and covered in flames, the film is void of music as godzilla roams, it is quiet. Somber and tragic. It is only interrupted by the triumph main theme of the movie. ( which is so incredibly good! Is it so iconic and rememberable ) The music for the film in general is very good! It adds so well to the film without taking anything away. Final note on the sound of this film, Godzilla’s roar is amazing I love it so much. It is fierce and extermely unique sounding. The actual story of the film is great as well, I believe that it flows naturally as well. The characters are great and remeberal and i cared for both parts of the story both the Godzilla side and Human side, which the later can suffer a bit in the later movies I hear. Overall I enjoyed the film a lot! It is a very enjoyable film that i would recommend to people who enjoy practical effects, big lizards and destruction!
