Do you know that feeling? you know that one right?
The whole new year, new me thing? yeah i think that's a load of crap, i don't care about self improvement just because a singular number changed on how i write dates. I feel like trying to self improve is more impactful when you, yourself make that decsion? instead of it being a silly billy 'tradtion' of doing so.
I know there can be other reasons that you might need to go through self improvement for like health reasons and stuff and yeah, i get ya.
Something that I wanted to do with this site is blog, I genuiely wonder if many people will read the words i am typing rn but oh well! its like a sort of digital diary you know? but not, because you are writing your diary on the wall and everyone can see it. Whenever i made this decision to start blogging I said to myself
"I will do it once my site is more developed!"
I am sure you know what happned there... the case is that I don't always have the motivaion or idea to really work on this place. I have grand ideas but not the motivation? I have noticed like a lot of things with my life that my motivation for things comes and goes, i could want to work on this place a bunch or i could just want to play animal jam and nothing else. I don't try to force myself to do anything if i don't want to, because these types of things are hobbies and are stuff i genuiely want to do, I wouldn't want to make something i enjoy into a chore.
What this decsion has actually done to me is make me not want to talk about things i wanted to blog about! because i want to talk about them in the moment but I don't want to blog yet because my site is underdeveloped. That isnt gonna be an issue with me no more, i am going to write shitty blogs even though this place is like a cereal box maze but i have eaten most of the cardboard where the maze was! that was a long sentence whew, you get my point.
TDLR: Just do that thing you have been meaning to